Episode 239: Meanwhile, in Chicago…

This week the word is malinger. First the guys discuss what the word actually means, then they share memories of malingering, including the time Keith when was trapped in a closet while staying home from school. Next they discuss the 3rd episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks. Keith talks about work stuff and games he’s playing, and the challenge of making Bingo cards for Lovecraft Country. Then Andy talks about the newest Parsely game he’s writing, and asks Keith to describe what he remembers about a game idea they pitched in the final days of their time together at Magnet, which would have been called the Secret City. Keith also talks about how those ideas helped inspire work he did later on Crossroads and Over the Edge. After the lowering the spoiler curtain, Andy gives his thoughts on Season 2 of the Umbrella Academy.

SPOILER WARNING: contains spoilers.