All posts filed under “Pyramid Arcade

Episode 338: Santa Unplugged

Santa Unplugged

This week the word is Santa, since Keith and Jenn got Santa to work in their booth with them at Pax Unplugged. Then they get into a very lengthy discussion about their favorite holiday shows and movies, including favorite adaptations of A Christmas Carol and holiday episodes of regular shows. Later Andy talks about inventing Kickback, a new game for the pyramids, based on ideas that came to him in a dream. Lastly they talk about Star Trek Lower Decks and a vintage series called Dusty’s Trail, among other things.

Episode 206: The Severed Arm of Chuck Palahniuk

This week the word is unreliable. They discuss unreliable narrators in popular media, trying not to get to spoilery until the last part of the show. Andy talks about his upcoming trip to Russia, and Keith tells the story of how he came to be in possession of an autographed rubber arm. Other topics include Galactus action figures, Keith’s new Eberron books, Math Fluxx 2.0, Tom Lehrer’s New Math song, and what Keith wants to do next with Gloom. Then they lower the spoiler curtain to further discuss unreliable narrator stories.


Episode 205: The Story of Cathawk Johnson

This week the word is Birthday, since they recorded it Andy’s. They talk about various birthday traditions and memories, including stories of birthday stunts by friends. Andy carries on for awhile about chocolate angel food cake. Keith passes on some stories from this year’s Essen Spiele courtesy of Jenn, and they talk a little more about Halloween. Keith talks about games he played at AmberCon. Then Keith gives Andy a spoiler-free overview of a couple of series he’s just gotten into, Castle Rock and Watchmen.

Episode 204: Gilligan’s Halloween

This week the word is Halloween. The nerds share childhood memories of the holiday, their favorite costumes, and such, and spend a lot of time reminiscing about times they cosplayed the castaways from Gilligan’s Island. Moving on to media, they discuss the newest trailer for Picard and news about other new Star Trek shows. Keith compares Trek factions to Hogwart’s houses. Then they discuss other upcoming new shows and movies, including Star Wars 9, along with a fan film called Fan-O-Rama, and lastly, more Gilligan stuff.

Episode 203: The Trouble with Space

This week the word is Space. The nerds talk about what space means to them. Other topics they cover include ideas like Fluxx Fluxx, magic with Magic cards, and how card tricks are possible now that never were before. Then they each talk about their current works in progress, raw cookie dough, and a recent ranking of the games in Pyramid Arcade. After the spoiler warning they discuss the Trek short The Trouble with Edward and episode 3 of season 4 of The Good Place.


Episode 202: The Adventure Place

This week the word is Adventure. The nerds talk about the definition of adventure and early computer games by that name. Keith talks about his progress on his Adventure Zone game, and Andy talks about converting the cardframes for older versions of Fluxx to the newer standard. A lengthy (and spoilery) discussion of Ken Grimwood’s book Replay then follows. Other topics include upcoming media, weird videos on the internet, and games by fast food restaurants. Lastly, they lower the spoiler curtain to discuss the first couple of episodes of season 4 of The Good Place.


Episode 201: Star Wars Wars

This week the word is Midichlorians. The nerds talk about what the new Star Wars movies might have been if Disney had taken the suggestions they’d gotten from George Lucas, and they debate which of the movies they think is the worst one. Keith talks about his current work projects, which leads the nerds discuss the differences between a storytelling game and a role playing game. Then Andy talks about Astronomy Fluxx, which is about to go to the printer. Lastly, they talk slightly about recent and upcoming media.

Episode 200: The Bison & Tennille

This week the word is Bicentennial. The nerds reflect on having recorded 200 of these shows, and share their memories of the national bicentennial in 1976. Then they talk about the custom Loonacy deck, featuring 24 of Goodloe’s cartoons of Keith & Andy, which superfan Leila put together for the occasion, and which you can actually buy! Andy reports on the status of the newest Fluxx decks in production, and talks about what subject matter he won’t consider turning into a version of Fluxx. Andy talks about Rick & Morty Fluxx, which has just been released, but only in Polish. Keith talks about a show called Nikita, which leads to discussions of other remakes, reboots, and spin-offs, and Andy mentions enjoying a web series with a real lawyer reacting to fictional legal proceedings.

Episode 196: Lab Coats and Watermelons

This week the word is Gen Con, which the nerds spend a lot of time discussing. But first Keith talks about being in Maine, and his distaste for lobster. They talk about the year 2020, seeing multiple people wearing a lab coat and carrying a watermelon, and zany stunts they used to do at sci-fi conventions before they each started a game company. Keith talks about his new project with the Adventure Zone, then they speculate more about the upcoming Picard series. Andy asks Keith to compare the gore factors on Stranger Things vs. The Boys, since Andy is very adverse to graphic depictions. Then Keith talks about the start of Season 3 of Legion, and Andy mentions a theory about Star Wars Episode 9 that’s been going around. After lowering the spoiler curtain, the discuss season 3 of Stranger Things.


Episode 195: Bram Stoker’s Chocula

This week the word is Chocula, so the nerds talk about monster cereals and their mascots at some length. Then they talk a lot about previews for shows and movies they haven’t seen yet. Keith talks about a new Eberron book he’s working on, and Andy tells Keith about finally getting to hear live handpan music, and more recent episodes of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio show. Lastly they speculate about the new Star Trek: Picard series, including a discussion of the ending of Voyager.