All posts filed under “Doctor Who

Episode 328: The Gilligan Factor

The Gilligan Factor

The word is Chrononaut and the nerds are here to discuss their favorite time travel movies. But first, they have to discuss terms and edge cases like time loop tales and alternate reality stories. Then they discuss a long list of time travel movies as they each struggle to decide which to call their favorites. Next Keith talks about being a Guest of Honor at BatesCon #1 and other work stuff, then Andy talks about the new Chrononauts expansion, changing the name of the Winnie the Pooh version of Fluxx, and playtest #7 of Starbase Armstrong. Lastly they discuss media including the new Doctor Who, a couple of time travel books, and after the Spoiler Curtain, the Whistespeak episode of Star Trek Discovery.

Episode 182: Thirteen (but one has been lost)

This week the word is thirteen. Andy talks about his progress on designing an expansion for Doctor Who Fluxx about the 13th Doctor, and Keith talks about the significance of the number in Eberron. Keith talks about the events he’ll be running on the Joco Cruise. Then they discuss a bunch of media topics at a non-spoiler level, including The Umbrella Academy, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Us, Get Out, Yesterday, The Twilight Zone, “head-banger” movies in general, and a strange 70’s film called All This And World War II. Then they drop the spoiler curtain to discuss the first two episodes of Russian Doll, and the most recent episodes of the Orville and Star Trek: Discovery.


Episode 175: Fanthropology 101

This week the word is fandom, as in “What are your fandoms?” What does it mean to be a fan? The nerds each talk about their own fandoms, including being fans of their own creations. Near the end they bring down the Spoiler Curtain to discuss the first episode of season 2 of The Orville, followed by Riverdale and Babylon 5.


Episode 171: Okus Focus

This week the word is pax, which the nerds discuss along with other words that sound like pax and other words that are just interesting, including whiz mob, grifter, and okus. They each discuss their experiences at PAX Unplugged. Other topics include the classic board game Masterpiece, time travelers who exist in every time at once, and the hand-held gizmos used on Space: 1999. They also spend a lot of time discussing sonic screwdrivers.

Episode 168: Deep Babylon 15


This week the nerds talk about the number nine. They have at least nine thoughts about it. Andy has elaborate ideas for what he would do if he suddenly got the job of writing Star Wars Episode 9, then Keith tosses out his own ideas for how to finish the trilogy of Star Wars trilogies. Moving on to other media, Keith talks about a new show called Homecoming, and Andy gives his reactions to season 2 of Babylon 5, which they compare with Deep Space 9.


Episode 166: Scheherazade vs. Babylon


This week the nerds talk about plans. They discuss various media that purported to have a plan, but didn’t (like Battlestar Galactica and Lost), and media that really should have had a plan but never did (like the new Star Wars movies). They discuss the differences between stories that are meant to go on forever vs. those that are complete and self-contained. Andy talks gives his reactions to some first season episodes of Babylon 5, which he is finally watching. He also shares a few thoughts about the new Doctor Who and reports on his recent trip to Costa Rica. Then they discuss the issue of human ashes being dumped at the Haunted Mansion. Lastly, they discuss Manifest and The Good Place (with a few little spoilers).


Episode 164: The Quicksilver Dilemma


This week the nerds take on the topic of time, and stories about characters who can stop time, slow time down, or, of course, travel through time. Specific subjects include Doctor Who, Hiro from Heroes, the Flash, Quicksilver from the X-men, Voyagers, the First Men in the Moon, Manifest, Seven Days, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Man in the High Castle, Fringe, Sliders, and others. At the end they lower the spoiler curtain to discuss the most recent episodes of The Good Place and Manifest.


Episode 135: I Was a Teenage Scamp


First Keith reports on his recent trip to his hometown of Ithaca NY. Andy mentions that this year’s Burning Man theme is “I, Robot” and Keith tells Andy about a new game being designed by friends of his called Inhuman Conditions, which is about trying to determine if your opponent is a robot or a human. Then they talk about tattoos people have gotten featuring images from their games. Andy tells Keith about a memorable hand of Action Cats! Then they spend more than half the show talking about Star Trek: Discovery, which Keith has finally gotten caught up on.

Episode 134: The Kevin Test


First Keith talks about how things went in the first session of his new D&D campaign, and about a D&D event he just returned from called Level Eater 8. Keith mentions a couple who went looking for a dog they could call Kevin. Andy mourns the passing of Joe Frank, recommends a book by Roz Chast called Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?, and asks if Keith has thought about going to Burning Man. Keith tells a morbid story, then they get into a big discussion about Star Trek Discovery, including some minor spoilers. Behind the spoiler curtain they also discuss The Good Place, Electric Dreams, and Black Mirror.

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers inside.

Episode 133: The Waffle Report


First Keith talks about a new D&D campaign he’s starting up, which he’s going to be running “sandbox-style,” and Andy mentions At Your Service, a book of sandbox-style adventures Keith wrote for the Over The Edge RPG system. Andy talks about sending Get the MacGuffin and Anatomy Fluxx off to the printer, and Keith talks about the Action Cats! expansion for which Andy submitted a new photo. Then Andy follows-up on the story he told last week about a mysterious cat that showed up on his doorstep. Andy also announces the pending release of Russian Star Wars Fluxx. This inevitably leads to another round of Star Wars discussions, followed by some talk about Star Trek, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, 24, and the endings of TV series in general. Lastly, behind the spoiler curtain, they discuss several episodes of Electric Dreams.

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers Inside!