All posts filed under “Dragons

Episode 189: G’Kar in the Elevator

This week the word is Fairy Tale. The nerds talk about the concept of the “Fairy Tale Ending” and how modern fantasies like Game of Thrones often embrace dark, dystopian storylines instead. They talk about the differences between Andy’s Fairy Tale Fluxx and Keith’s Fairy Tale Gloom. Andy talks about his favorite Star Wars quote(s), and Keith suggests replacing one word with the word “pants.” After the spoiler warning, they discuss the second-to-last episode of Game of Thrones.


Episode 180: How I Met Your Dragon

This week the word is bird-dog, bird because Looney Labs just announced a new partnership with a company named Cardinal, and dog because Keith just launched a Kickstarter for Action Pups! Andy talks about two new games he’s working on for Cardinal to publish, Marvel Fluxx and Jumanji Fluxx. Keith wonders where the phrase “quitting cold turkey” comes from, and Andy wonders how you say angst in German. Andy talks about finally reading Snow Crash. Moving on to media, Andy recommends a film called Future ’38, and they discuss Bandersnatch. Then they drop the spoiler curtain to discuss the latest episode of Star Trek Discovery at great length.


Episode 165: Straight Up!


This week the nerds take on the topic of monsters! What makes a monster, anyway? They break down the various categories and discuss their favorites, ranging from classic monster movie monsters, alien monsters, fantasy monsters, furry monsters, and others. Other topics include early McDonaldland commercials, the Island of Dr. Moreau, Salyut-7, monster cereals, laugh tracks, The Good Place, The Goldbergs, and Andy’s wall of video screens.

Episode 161: Some Doofus Took a Cup


This week the nerds follow up on last week’s discussion of robots with a lengthy discussion about Dragons. Why do they sleep on hordes of gold, anyway? Why are some really smart, and others unable to even speak? And why isn’t there a dragon in Fairy Tale Fluxx? Moving on from dragons, Keith talks about taxes and Action Pups! and Andy talks about getting a root canal. Then Andy explains his plan to get rid of his van and go buy a used truck instead. They talk a little about upcoming media, then Andy talks about the concept album by Jonathan Coulton called Solid State.