All posts filed under “D&D

Episode 182: Thirteen (but one has been lost)

This week the word is thirteen. Andy talks about his progress on designing an expansion for Doctor Who Fluxx about the 13th Doctor, and Keith talks about the significance of the number in Eberron. Keith talks about the events he’ll be running on the Joco Cruise. Then they discuss a bunch of media topics at a non-spoiler level, including The Umbrella Academy, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Us, Get Out, Yesterday, The Twilight Zone, “head-banger” movies in general, and a strange 70’s film called All This And World War II. Then they drop the spoiler curtain to discuss the first two episodes of Russian Doll, and the most recent episodes of the Orville and Star Trek: Discovery.


Episode 175: Fanthropology 101

This week the word is fandom, as in “What are your fandoms?” What does it mean to be a fan? The nerds each talk about their own fandoms, including being fans of their own creations. Near the end they bring down the Spoiler Curtain to discuss the first episode of season 2 of The Orville, followed by Riverdale and Babylon 5.


Episode 167: What Do We Need Dice For?


This week the nerds talk about the use of dice, or lack thereof, in role-playing games. Keith just got back from AmberCon with many tales of the games he played and ran there, and they discuss various RPG systems and how they use — or eschew — the roll of the dice. Media discussions include Homecoming, Babylon 5, and First Man.

Episode 165: Straight Up!


This week the nerds take on the topic of monsters! What makes a monster, anyway? They break down the various categories and discuss their favorites, ranging from classic monster movie monsters, alien monsters, fantasy monsters, furry monsters, and others. Other topics include early McDonaldland commercials, the Island of Dr. Moreau, Salyut-7, monster cereals, laugh tracks, The Good Place, The Goldbergs, and Andy’s wall of video screens.

Episode 157: It’s Something or Other, Charlie Brown!


First Keith reports on a couple of D&D games in the middle of playing, which included a scene with a fancy dance involving daggers. Then Keith talks about several podcasts he listened to recently, and some of the issues discussed thereon. The guys then talk more about their experiences at GenCon. Andy talks about awarding Homeworlds medal #17, and describes new ideas he’s been playing around with for a variation of the game that has no combat and a different end condition. Keith talks about Potion Explosion, Root, Arkham Horror, and the how difficult it is to walk the enormous exhibit hall when you’re busy running a booth. They talk about the meaning of name Delos, and Andy talks about an RPG called TimeWatch. Keith talks about media he’s been catching up on, including Cloak & Dagger, Castle Rock, and Making It. Kristin interrupts to bring Andy the first samples from the factory of Fairy Tale Fluxx and Mary Engelbreit Loonacy, and talks about the progress he’s been making on the Star Trek version of Chrononauts he’s currently designing.


Episode 146: Burning Down the Dungeon


First Keith reports on how things are going with his current D&D campaign, and describes a really cool player involvement technique he’s been using. Andy reports on the status of the development of the Star Trek Fluxxes, and talks about his father’s declining health. Then they talk about Infinity War, for like, forever. They also discuss Westworld.


Episode 144: Tunnels and Toiletries


First the guys talk about a couple of games Andy played for the first time while visiting Keith, Onitama and Starfall. Then Keith talks about the D&D campaign he’s currently running, and what he’s planning to spring on his players next. Moving on to media, topics include The Expanse, A Quiet Place, Counterpart, Lost in Space, Groundhog Day, and Ready Player One.


Episode 141: A Pretty Big Deal in Idaho


Andy talks about the upcoming release of Get the MacGuffin and plans for running “raffle tournaments” to promote it at AwesomeCon and GameStorm. Keith talks about how both his and Andy’s games tend to be lighter, on the party end of the game design spectrum, and thus not usually well-suited for tournaments. Keith tells Andy about Hackfort, and about the JUMP Center in Boise at which the Treefort music festival was held. They talk about upcoming movies they haven’t yet seen, and Keith reports on the latest session of the D&D campaign he’s running. Andy talks about telling jokes during a job interview. Media discussions include Travelers, Counterpart, and the fact that there are just too many shows. Lastly they discuss Ready Player One, the book, in anticipation of the movie debut.

Episode 136: Secret Baked Noodles


First Keith talks about D&D, starting with the campaign he’s currently running, then discussing some of the pros and cons of the various major editions of D&D. Then they discuss upcoming events including the JoCo Cruise, Toy Fair, and the GAMA Trade Show. Keith talks about a game he just learned called The Fox and the Forest, and Andy talks about one he just tried, called Magic Maze. Then they talk about all the Cthulhu games Keith has created. After dropping the spoiler curtain, they talk about the most recent episodes of The Good Place and Star Trek: Discovery.


Episode 135: I Was a Teenage Scamp


First Keith reports on his recent trip to his hometown of Ithaca NY. Andy mentions that this year’s Burning Man theme is “I, Robot” and Keith tells Andy about a new game being designed by friends of his called Inhuman Conditions, which is about trying to determine if your opponent is a robot or a human. Then they talk about tattoos people have gotten featuring images from their games. Andy tells Keith about a memorable hand of Action Cats! Then they spend more than half the show talking about Star Trek: Discovery, which Keith has finally gotten caught up on.