All posts filed under “Kickstarter

Episode 116: Sorry Bob, You’re the Cleric


Keith talks about his Vanagon and the summer tour he and Jenn are about to embark upon, and Andy talks about his upcoming travel plans, including GenCon, the eclipse, and Burning Man. Keith talks about getting his hands on his first real copy of his Scott Pilgrim game, and about the status of Action Cats! Andy talks about a totally new card game he just invented, which uses just 23 cards and which he’s really excited about. They drop some Rick & Morty references, including the meaning of Getting Schwifty, and Keith mentions the most recent Game of Thrones. Andy talks about his aversion to depicts of violence, and how animation somehow makes it more tolerable. Keith goes off on a bit of a rant about Clerics, which includes stories from an Over the Edge campaign in which Kristin played a particularly fascinating character. This leads to a discussion about how to deal with “Alpha gamers,” in RPGs as well as regular tabletop games. Lastly, they discuss the most recent episode of Rick & Morty at length.

Episode 115: The Kramden/Kramer Theory


The conversation begins with the word Fiddlesticks, which leads to the discovery of the Kramden/Kramer theory as well as a discussion of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect. Their meandering discussions include villains who control the weather, and the tick bite that causes meat allergies. Lastly, they discuss Rick and Morty, the Santa Clarita Diet, and the differences between zombies and vampires.

Episode 114: A Bear and a Spare


First Keith talks about seeing a bear during a hike while on a family reunion trip to Jackson, Wyoming. He also talks about his upcoming travel plans, Action Cats!, and Scott Pilgrim. Andy talks about receiving the first samples of the new Zendo pieces, and Keith talks about receiving the first samples of the Okus tokens for Illimat. Keith talks about wolverines. Andy talks about filming flashback scenes for the Drinking Fluxx History video. Keith talks about GOT Bingo. Andy talks about the camp he’s found for Burning Man, and his plans to run games at RaiderCon, the playa’s only role-playing game convention. Moving on to media, the guys discuss the Ready Player One preview, and about misleading advertisements with out-of-context quotes. Media topics include Rick & Morty and Glow, plus Keith talks about a podcast called Presidential.

Episode 113: Apoplectic Giraffe


First Keith reports on the status of the Action Cats! Kickstarter, and describes his 9 step process for evaluating photos of cats. Keith also talks about an amazing birthday party he just attended, the theme of which leads them into a discussion of Game of Thrones. Other topics include cosplayers, fashion police, and sword-fighting lessons. Andy talks about what’s new and different in the new edition of Nanofictionary, which launches on August 17th. He also reports on the status of Zendo. Media topics include Better Call Saul, The Leftovers, Rick & Morty, and a movie called Her.

Episode 112: Tuna of the Dirt


First the guys discuss Keith’s newest Kickstarter, for his card game Action Cats! Then Keith talks about research he’s been doing into the history of party and parlor games. Lastly, they spend a lot of time discussing superhero movies, specifically Spider-Man: Homecoming and Wonder Woman, and before that, the preview for The Inhumans.

Episode 111: Zombies Rule Belgium!


First the guys talk about what they’re each up to, including Keith’s newest Kickstarter. Then they talk about how movie sets of important locations, like the Oval Office, must get re-used by various film productions. Andy observes that many episodes of the original Twilight Zone series were westerns, and wonders if the real reason for that was the easy availability of western-themed backlots at the time. They discuss Spider-Man movies at length, along other superhero movies, including the Fantastic Four. Other media topics discussed include GLOW, Man in the High Castle, and Rick & Morty.

Episode 110: Eyeballs or Vomit of Death?


First, Keith talks about his new van, the first real copy of Illimat. and the upcoming start of his Action Cats kickstarter. They yammer about the issues around owning an older car. Keith talks about an unpublished role-playing game which employs Tarot cards, called The Nightwood Society, by a friend of his friend named Dan. Keith talks about a new board game called Potion Explosion, which leads to a discussion of the vintage 3DO videogame called Trip’D. Media topics include Moana, The Man in the High Castle, Twin Peaks, Dreamland, Falling Water, and after dropping the spoiler curtain, they talk about the finale of Fargo. Andy again reminds Keith that he really needs to watch Rick & Morty, and further calls him out for having an attitude against animation.

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers inside!

Episode 105: Time Spanks Tom Hanks


First Keith talks about his recent trip to Portugal, where, among other things, he enjoyed seeing the roof cats of Porto. They discuss the mystery of why we have different names for foreign geographic locations than the names used by the people who actually live in those places. Keith mentions a couple of books including Anno Dracula and Last Call. Andy reports on some of the stuff going on at Looney Labs, then talks about TARDIS technology and the time traveler known as The Plumber. They discuss Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 without being very spoilery, along with The Americans, Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans, Rouge One, and the BBC series from the 80’s called The Tripods.

Episode 104: Tom Cruise’s Time Cruise


First Keith talks about getting his computer fixed, and other things he did this weekend. Andy talks about developing two-player rules for his party game Choose One, which works for 3-10 players as published. They discuss a recent top ten list of great games published by Paste Magazine, and they discuss stories about normal people discovering the world isn’t what they thought it was. Media topics include: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Legion, Fargo’s season 3 opener, The Big Lebowski, American Gods, The Americans, Deutschland ’83, Logan, The Goldbergs, and Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans.

Episode 103: Keith in a Sportsball Cap


First the guys get caught up on each other’s lives. Andy talks about his vintage video game Icebreaker and its innovative “Level Grid” interface, and Keith considers his options for getting a 3DO multiplayer again. Keith talks about the start of season 3 of Fargo, and they discuss the challenges of learning Bridge. And any game for that matter. Then they discuss the issues relating to system mastery in RPGs. And any game for that matter. Then they lament the news of pending cancellation of TV shows they’ve been enjoying. Then they discuss “embarrassment humor,” and the conversation turns into a comparison/contrast analysis of The Office and Parks and Rec. Keith also compares & contrasts the American show House Hunters and the British show Escape to the Country.