All posts filed under “Time Travel

Episode 193: The Baboon Reactor

This week the word is crud, since Keith still has the dreaded con crud. Keith talks about some of the things he noticed at the American Library Association conference. Andy talks about how much he enjoyed the movie Yesterday, and Keith discusses the new series called The Rook. Andy also talks about Brooklyn Nine Nine, which he’s now all caught up on, and Keith talks about seeing a Lonely Island concert. Other topics include Jerry Seinfeld’s original appearance on SNL, summer movies they haven’t seen yet, their favorite units of US currency, and what animal they would choose to be turned into (other than a lobster). Lastly, Andy talks about all the new games Looney Labs will be releasing in August.


Episode 188: Dammit Andy, I’m a Baker, not a Farmer!

This week the word is five. First the nerds talk a lot about The Tick, starting with the new Amazon series but encompassing all the adaptations. Keith talks about his garden, then explains the Discordian Law of Five. Then they talk a little about Star Trek movies, and Andy mentions that his new game Star Trek Chrono-Trek has gone to the printer. After the spoiler warning, they discuss the new Twilight Zone series, and at great length, Avengers: Endgame.


Episode 185: The Scottish Minister of Cats

This week the word is Scottish, since Keith was just in Scotland. He talks about some of his travel experiences, including the Student Nationals, his first stay in a bonafide flea-bag motel, and getting to meet the Minister of Cats of Scotland. Then the nerds spend a lot of time talking about the trailer for Star Wars episode 9. After the Spoiler Warning they discuss Star Trek: Discovery and the first couple of episodes of the new Twilight Zone.


Episode 176: Gilligan… In… Spaaaaace!

This week the word is Beginnings. They talk about how difficult it can be to get a new story started, and discuss a few successful and unsuccessful first episodes. Keith gets into the tricky issues of starting an RPG campaign, and describes some of his approaches to “session zero.” Andy mentions a memorable LARP they both played in called Tabula Rasa, then he talks about his experiences on the Star Trek Cruise. Lastly they lower the spoiler curtain to discuss Travelers and other time travel shows, and Andy speculates about what will happen in the last episode of Babylon 5.


Episode 171: Okus Focus

This week the word is pax, which the nerds discuss along with other words that sound like pax and other words that are just interesting, including whiz mob, grifter, and okus. They each discuss their experiences at PAX Unplugged. Other topics include the classic board game Masterpiece, time travelers who exist in every time at once, and the hand-held gizmos used on Space: 1999. They also spend a lot of time discussing sonic screwdrivers.

Episode 164: The Quicksilver Dilemma


This week the nerds take on the topic of time, and stories about characters who can stop time, slow time down, or, of course, travel through time. Specific subjects include Doctor Who, Hiro from Heroes, the Flash, Quicksilver from the X-men, Voyagers, the First Men in the Moon, Manifest, Seven Days, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Man in the High Castle, Fringe, Sliders, and others. At the end they lower the spoiler curtain to discuss the most recent episodes of The Good Place and Manifest.


Episode 158: What Does The Ambassador Say?


First Keith talks about being in Ithaca again to help his mother, and Andy talks about the recent passing of his father. Then Andy talks about his plans for Burning Man, which leads to a discussion of robots. Andy reports on his progress with the design of ChronoTrek, and Keith talks about Action Pups! They discuss some media, including Humans, Making It, and Nailed It. Andy talks about Jenny Nicholson’s ideas for naming horses, the Renwick Gallery’s Burning Man exhibit, and gives more thoughtful answers to the favorite and least favorite aliens.


Episode 157: It’s Something or Other, Charlie Brown!


First Keith reports on a couple of D&D games in the middle of playing, which included a scene with a fancy dance involving daggers. Then Keith talks about several podcasts he listened to recently, and some of the issues discussed thereon. The guys then talk more about their experiences at GenCon. Andy talks about awarding Homeworlds medal #17, and describes new ideas he’s been playing around with for a variation of the game that has no combat and a different end condition. Keith talks about Potion Explosion, Root, Arkham Horror, and the how difficult it is to walk the enormous exhibit hall when you’re busy running a booth. They talk about the meaning of name Delos, and Andy talks about an RPG called TimeWatch. Keith talks about media he’s been catching up on, including Cloak & Dagger, Castle Rock, and Making It. Kristin interrupts to bring Andy the first samples from the factory of Fairy Tale Fluxx and Mary Engelbreit Loonacy, and talks about the progress he’s been making on the Star Trek version of Chrononauts he’s currently designing.


Episode 156: Game Designers Sitting Still Eating Pizza


This episode was recorded during Gen Con at a Giordano’s pizza place. First Andy shows Keith his prototype-in-progress for a new version of Chrononauts based on the historical events of the Star Trek universe. Keith talks about playing backgammon at a family reunion, then they get into discussing what they’ve been doing at Gen Con. Keith talks about why he had two booths, and describes the four Writer’s Symposium panels he was on. This leads to a discussion of their favorite, and least favorite, alien races. Andy talks about running his newest Parsely game, Ducks on a Plane, then they play a couple of rounds of Andy’s newest social deduction game, Are You a Robot?. Lastly, the pizza arrives, and the guys have to stop talking so they can eat!

Episode 142: President Franklin


After some yammering, the guys talk about new products they are about to release. Keith has an expansion pack for Action Cats! coming out for Tabletop Day, and Andy is releasing Get the MacGuffin and Anatomy Fluxx this week. Andy talks about AwesomeCon and how well the first ever Get the MacGuffin tournaments worked out. Keith has more to say about Ready Player One, having read the book again in preparation for seeing the movie, and they discuss some of the basic issues they have with the entire premise, from a world builder’s perspective. Keith compares and contrasts it with a book called Anno Dracula. Then they get into answering a listener’s question about how much you need to know about the history of an art form in order to become a creator, leading to discussions of how inventors build upon earlier works, issues that come up when working with someone else’s intellectual property, and when you need to consult with an expert on specific subject matter. They discuss their collaboration on Cthulhu Fluxx at some length. Lastly they talk about Timeless, and the challenges of creating a compelling time travel show.